I have been busy up in Banchory, Scotland over the last couple of weeks painting a 22ft high mural of a Roman ruin.
The mural was painted on the main wall in a private indoor swimming pool - unfortunately, due to the time spent on painting the mural, I was unable to do any sight-seeing. I do hope to be working up there again and I will certainly make sure I allow myself a bit of free time.

Desde mi mas humilde opinión, tienes obras de arte maravillosas, increibles, dignas de admiración. yo simplemente soy aficionada a la pintura mural y me gustaria porder llegar algún dia ha hacer la mitad de lo que tu haces. Tienes un gran don.
This is wonderful, Chris ! How talented ! Love walls, façades, doors, where time has left its mark, too ... And Italy ... So, i'm a complete fan of your art ! Thanks for your videos, the website and the blog.
No problem - thanks for looking in.
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